Watch the live drawing for educators who taught their students about the Soviet Jewry Struggle for Freedom during 2019-June 2020
Drawing starts at 12:30
Mazal Tov to our winners!
$1,000 #4 Escape Room "Operation Wedding" / Keren Dicastro, Hillel TAU $700 #7 Sharansky & “Let My People Go” / Shmuel Polin Hebrew Union College $300 #12 Sing Hebrew Songs sung by Soviet Jews / Jackie Klein, Temple Israel, West Palm Beach
We're sorry for those who didn't win this time - all the applications were interesting and unique.
The drawing was made at
*Submissions are now closed*
If you plan to teach your students about the Soviet Jewry Struggle for Freedom, let us know and don't forget to take a picture or video of the lesson. You can use the many free prepared lessons (interactive, online, music and much more) in the educational resource website Let My People Go or create your own lesson