*Submissions are now closed*
If you plan to teach your students about the Soviet Jewry Struggle for Freedom, let us know and don't forget to take a picture or video of the lesson. You can use the many free prepared lessons (interactive, online, music and much more) in the educational resource website Let My People Go or create your own lesson Sign up for future updates
June 7, 2020 Watch the drawing video for educators who taught their students about the Soviet Jewry Struggle for Freedom ​during 2019-June 2020
(Drawing starts at 12:30)
I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. This is the place for you to tell your site visitors a little bit about you and your services.
November 2019-June 6th 2020:
You can apply for a grant if you teach your students (in a class or online) at least one lesson about the Soviet Jewry Struggle for Freedom in 2019-June 2020.
* For a list of available lessons that can be taught ONLINE press HERE
To apply: write a short essay about the lesson, and send us for a chance to win grants of $1,000, $700 or $300.
Winners are decided in a live drawing.
The check will be issued by Jewish LearningWorks.
Part-time or full time educator, in an educational institute or school, from elementary school up to a university. Jewish Camps or Scouts programs are included.
Winning applicants must submit a USA invoice and will receive an IRS Form 1099 from Jewish Learningworks.
Your biography, up to 100 words
Proof that they are an educator.
Videos from the lesson or activity and/or 2-3 photographs from or after the lesson.
A short essay (up to 500 words) about the lesson, and the students responses.
A release form for the students in the video/photos must be properly completed.
Languages: you can submit in English or Hebrew.
You can teach any lesson you choose, as long as it's about the Soviet Jewry Struggle for Aliyah.
We recommend using the free lessons and activities resources of the Refusenik Project:
Applications must be received before the deadline: 11PM PST June 6th, 2020
You can apply multiple times. Each lesson you teach/taught during 2019-2020 (different students or a different lesson) will be considered as one application. Increase your chance to win by submitting two applications!
You can apply in English, Hebrew or Russian.
Any form of anti-Semitism or anti-Israel statements will disqualify an application.