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Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov

My parents and the (empty) plane "hijacking:

Heroes in the free world,

Terrorists in Russia, even today.


An Israeli filmmaker. Known for her award-winning documentary "Operation Wedding", about her parents escape attempt from the USSR - an event that kickstarted the movement to Free Soviet Jewry. Anat studied filmmaking at the prestigious London Film School in England.​ She had co-directed and created the online educational Refusenik Project, along with The Lookstein Center of Bar-Ilan University in 2018.Anat is now developing a production for a feature film based on her father's book "Prison Diaries" and her documentary Operation Wedding.

"I carry both my parents’ names.

Growing up, everybody knew about this event, but over the years it started to fade away from the public's collective memory. Though there are many films trying to describe this fascinating story, they only give a short 5 minute description and a full length film about this event that was made in Russia 2009, calling the group members "terrorists" and try to re-write history – false imaginary history, or as my father calls it "documentary fairytales". ​

I found rare archives, interviewed former KGB key members that claimed that: "…There was no problem of Jewish immigration in the USSR.

Only about 20 people in the whole USSR were denied exit visa." (Philipp Boblov, former KGB deputy chairmen)

I realized that the faith of public memory is on my shoulders. This is an inspiring story that remind us all that civilians have power and even one person can change history, but would have to be willing to pay the price…"

Lecture subjects

1. Q&A following a screening of my documentary "Operation Wedding"

2. A 60 minutes lecture with photos and rare videos archives sideshow presentations: Identity brainwash and fake news through Soviet Media 1960-1990

3. A 60 minutes lecture and presentation (videos and photos) about Operation Wedding, the political point of view.


Languages Hebrew, English

Based in Israel Center (available to travel abroad and for online)


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Designed & created by Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov 2020

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